Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here are just a few pictures on the kids in their new place.

J and O. This is cute yes, but now is a bit of a problem...
We finally gave J the Tonka truck my aunte bought him when he was born.

The first day in the new house it was 97F (36C) in the house. Took all day to get the temperature down to 80F (27C).

No furniture ment lawn chairs and take out...did you know you can get sick of take out even when it's Subway?

Just because he's too cute.

O first tast of "solid" food.

O trying out big brother's truck.

Mommy and kids.

I've managed to unpack just about everything that we'll need for the next year. We've decided not to unpack point putting holes in the walls for only a year.

This is our house, a rental but it's still home...
The moving truck and our stuff...yes it is all ours on the back.J supervising.J and O's new room, we used the third bed room as an office.A desert neighbour. Wow can they ever move fast!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Welcome to my blog. I figured that, in the last eight years we have moved around a bit and have collected friends around the county, emailing everyone doesn't always work out so I'll blog. This way if you haven't heard from me you can just look online and find out what's going on where ever we are. I am not using our full names for safety reasons but I'm sure you'll figure out who is who.

First up is our move from MN to CA. It went really well actually. Most evenings were when the crying began but every morning J was ready for the truck once again. The first few days here in Twentynine Palms were confusing to him because we didn't get into the vehicle right away and spend hour on end driving. The cats did great, Jinx meowed a bit at first but then they both just slept the entire way. Even the hotels stays were good for the cats...J on the other hand wouldn't sleep until I did.

We were blessed with finding a house right away and were able to move in two days later and even getting our things delivered was quick. What a blessing. We were getting quite tired of take out every night.

So here are a few pictures of our cross country trip. Feel free to laugh at my spelling.

This is J over looking the Badlands of North Dakota.

The view of the road in Montana.
I know not all of the state is like this but most of what we saw was.
Alberta, home sweet home.
Grandma and J playing with toys that I played with when I was his age.

Grandpa and O, she had a blast with his mustache.

The pool was a great hit.

With both of them.

J in the car again not wanting to be disturbed from his reading.

This is all I saw of Arizona, we drove through just a corner of it...took about two hours I think.