Saturday, September 26, 2009

Heading into Fall

No new pictures but I thought I would give a little update about life in CA.

J has been so bored, poor little guy. It's been in the 90-100s (mid 30+) since we've gotten here. I've tried to get him outside in the morning if it's cool but it hasn't been easy. This last week we had a few days that it didn't hit 90 until after 10am so I took J and O to the park on base, they both really enjoyed the outings. I've even gotten some adult conversation in with other mothers at the park. And to think that park has only been there for about a year (maybe a little more). Yesterday I was even to open the windows in the house until around 11am. Nice to be some fresh air. I think the cats liked it too.

How do you potty train? J is almost scared of the potty, especially if he has to go. I'm not sure what to but to keep asking him.

J has stopped getting into O's crib but now I keep finding him on the floor. It's like he prefers to sleep on the floor. I figure it's not a big deal to move him back so I haven't done anything to stop him...but it is a little odd.

E has moved on from math to electronics in his school. What they covered in just a couple weeks in normally covered in two months at other schools...I guess they figure they got to stuff as much in as they can while they are here.

We bought an elliptical machine last weekend. We couldn't really afford it but we couldn't really afford not to too. I have been really feeling like I need to do something. Now with sister M getting married I really need to do something! LOL I hope to also join Weight Watchers or something to help out too.

I had planned to say more, but other little ones just woke up so I'd better tend to them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


What can I say? J loves Cars.

O's anticipation of lunch.

Oh, the excitement. He loves The Penguins of Madagascar too.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The dry thunder storm that came through wasn't so dry, it rained for about 10 minutes so hard that a small lake formed in the front yard. And the smell, it's not that wet lawn, freshness smell. It's a fresh, beer like's really hard to explain but it's very unique for sure.

Finally met some of the other wives last night too. We have a play date on Friday on base. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out. Hope J has some fun, no matter what.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

29 What?

No pictures this time just a small note of an update. I've gotten some emails asking about Twentynine Palms and the High Desert area. Well...if there was anything good to say I can't figure out what it would be. The largest store that I've found in town in the Rite Aid (it's almost like a mini WalMart). There is no WalMart or really any other stores around, just a bunch of fast food places, hair cut, tattoo, dry cleaning, and a few other small stores that line the down town. Even the grocery store in tiny! I do love the Commissary though! Yay, I save so much money on groceries there, it's great.

Our house in a single story, three bedroom, two bathroom house. Air conditioning is a must, but there is also Swamp Coolers. They sit on the roof and use condensation to cool the house. Now that may not sound like it really works, but it does really save of the electric bill and does work. Today was the first day with week that it didn't reach 100F (38C) by 9am. I'll take the air. We had to buy a fridge though, for some reason the place didn't have one...had everything else though. We even have an out building that is cooled and completely finished. We're planning to use it for any guests that may venture out this way.

We have found a church to attend with the help of friends in NC. It's an hour away but they are a wonderful group of people. In fact the minister wife's family is from MN! We would like something closer, but like I said before, there just isn't much here.

E told me the other day that the city hall turned down a Super WalMart and indoor play ground because they want to keep the community for retirees...okay I understand that but how do they expect to fly with a Marine Base right down the road? Which has play grounds, splash pads, pools, ect...

Okay...I hear thunder out side! I think they call them dry storms because they don't drop a lot of rain, if any. It's always windy here too.

As for settling, I think we are doing okay. E is going into "work" everyday but classes down start until the 11th. O is doing fine, maybe a little mixed up with times but not too bad. Now J on the other hand is driving me nuts some days. His time is fine but we've found him in O's crib just about every night and morning. Last night he came out of his room a bunch of times. Then around midnight I found him sleeping right in front of his door and this morning half way into the hallway. I'm not sure what his problem is with sleeping at night in his own bed, but it's really frustrating. O finds it funny for the most part though. Besides all that they just isn't much for him too do either. Too hot to go out side besides early morning and no where to go, no one to play with.

As for me...if it weren't for the kids, I'd be counting the stucco on the ceiling by now...