Thursday, July 29, 2010

We've Moved

Fist I just want to complain that I don't understand how to use this thing very well. I can't get my pictures on the way I want them and it won't let me write where I want to. If you can help please feel free to comment on email me, thanks :D

Okay, so the move is over. They came one morning packed everything in three hours and decided just to move us that same day. So nice not to have to sleep on mats for more than one night! The house is great but we are finding that there isn't as much space as we thought there was. We are having issues finding places for everything and cupboards and closets are much shallower than we had before...making it interesting.

On one other note, E graduated today! The ceremony was short, military, and straight to the point. Nice since the kids were both tired and hot. The daily temperature for the last month has been in the 100's.

Monday, July 26, 2010

We're In

We are in our new base house and it's amazing! Two story, four bed room, two and a half baths! I love it, I nearly never have to leave the base for anything! And we have neighbors with kids all around us and and and GRASS! I'll post some new pictures soon...still need to find a few things first. LOL