Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Poem or Two

I just realized that I can put anything on this not just pictures LOL While we were unpacking I found some old poems (from elementary school) that I had written and still think are not too bad so I thought I'd share them. The last is a short short story that I got at a writing class.

The Battle

The fruit was taken, a choice was made.
The hungry became hungrier, the poor became poorer.
The men worked hard and died, the women had pain and anguish.
The shadow of death covers their faces, but there are some it passes by.
A blinding light covers the land, evil is banished, the serpents head is crushed by the heal of a man, and the heal of the man is struck by the snake, yet he stands at the end.

Lurking Shadows (written for the World War veterans)

The shadows are slowly dying as he walks on the path. The birds have not sang for days.
The constant gun fire haunts his ears, reminding him of the on coming war.
The cries and yells echo through the trees.
His watchful eyes slowly strain through the them, trying to see beyond.
The path is still and quiet, with his partner, they walk back and forth.
His hands are shacking and his eyes ache.
Snow is slowly falling around them, he looks toward the sky.
Suddenly he looks back, nothing moves, he takes a step forward.
He becomes uneasy and restless, it is too dark, he steps slowly, slowly disappearing into the darkness.
His partner watches from a distance but never sees him again.
He run to the radio, sends a message, a single gun shot rings in the radio of the dispatcher.
This solider too has disappeared into the shadows, never to be seen again.
And peace is so, so far from them.

I was given the beginning and had to finish it.

Tom: I'm not sure I want to eat these.
Aunt Ethel: Hush. This is a nice restaurant.
Tom: Well, what are escargot anyway?
Aunt Ethel: Snails. Please eat them as they were very expensive.

Tom: Snails! Who in their right mind would eat snail?
AE: Many people, they are very good. Now eat.
T: Why are they expensive, they crawl all over the lake floor.
AE: They are special snail, bred specially for this purpose.
T: Poor things.
AE: Stop playing with your food and eat!
T: No! Look, I think that one is walking away!
AE: Don't be silly, they've been cooked and properly prepared. They are not walking away. Now eat!
T: No, I can't.
AE: Why not?
T: can't get them to stay on my fork.
AE: Then use a spoon boy!
T: But they still squish all over the plate.
AE: Tom, if you don't eat them we're leaving.
T: Great, let's go!
AE: Tom, sit down.
T: Why? You said we were leaving.

I really have a bunch more but they are much longer, maybe next time! Hope you enjoyed these.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

We Took A Trip

We finally had some time off! For the first time in nearly two years E was able to get real time off. We headed to GA for about 10 days to visit the H family. Many hadn't met O at all and we were able to catch up with some family we haven't seen in a long time too. E's brother, A and his family including the newest little man, we able to beat the hurricane and make it down for the long weekend too. It was the first time the family had been together... in about four years I think. So I picked a couple of pictures to share from the over 200 that I took, gotta love digital!