Sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. Here is a quick over view of March 2011.
It started out with a birthday party for O at the park. It went great and everyone had a bunch of fun even though it was windy and J popped her balloons before anyone else got there. We made an emergency family visit to GA. E's mother past away, it was sudden and although she has been ill it was still unexpected. Two days after we returned my parents came down for a weeks visit. They had hoped to see E baptized but because of airline problems missed it. It's been a busy March but the rest of the summer looks to be uneventful.
Everyone is doing well. E is growing and becoming a vocal little baby while O and J are being great older siblings. So far the only big issue we've come across is getting out the door on time for things and O doesn't want to give up the crib just yet. But we are working on it.
Pictures to come...if I can get to them soon.