I will continue to post updates of our family happenings but I am going to start going in a new direction in general with this blog of mine. I have looked at many other ladies blogs of their cards and ideas and I have decided that over the next few days I'm going to post some of my better card designs on my blog.
Now a short family update. Not much has been going on over the last month and a half. J is finishing up with this years ASYMCA class and he and O are both signed up for a summer class. I and J's teacher have been working slowly with him on doing things with out Mommy right beside him. So far he's doing well with it. The hope is to make going to kindergarten an easier transition. Yes, in just two short years he will be off to kindergarten. It's too bad that he'll start here in the desert and we'll have to move that summer but at least it'll be summer and only kindergarten. O is showing her independence more and more. It is nice since she spends and hour and a half in day care four days a week and loves it. She could walk her self there if it were allowed for a two year old to do. As for E, she's just doing what babies do, grow and watch the world go round. She and J have their usual check ups in a few weeks, shots too, ick. As for Big E and myself. We're just going with the flow. Nothing too new with either of us, just the day to day life that we all now and love.
That's all for now, hope everyone out there is safe and sound. Love to you all, God bless.