Friday, September 23, 2011

The Cards

A few more cards to share as well.

Aug and Sep

Pictures of the last two months!  Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here I Am!

Hello all,  I know it's been a long time and this time there are no pictures to share only because I don't have any with me right now but I promise to post new ones as soon as I get them in hands reach.  I just wanted to let you all know WE ARE STILL HERE.
J has started his ASYMCA class today and O is not going to day care because it's nuts to get her into it.  E is low crawling and big E has been in the field and is headed to a class again soon and is just busy with work.  I've been doing my cards, in fact I have my Christmas cards nearly all completed and am caught up to the end of Oct with birthday cards.
Look for picture's this coming week!