Monday, November 5, 2012

The Last Time

I think this will be my last post.  I just don't think many friends are reading this and most of what I write here is also on my FaceBook page.  If you're a friend there then this is all repeats, even the cards. (Which I deleted by accident so now cards for October posting.)

October: Base Fire Station field trip.  Then a visit from Grandma VB for a week.  We went shopping, over to check out Joshua Tree National Park, and E got her first hair cut!  Trunk or Treat with O's ASYMCA class was great and we carved pumpkins. 

We lost my last surviving grandparent on the 30th.  He was a very faithful and loving man and will be missed but celebrated too.  He now rests in peace with our Heavenly Father.

Friday, October 5, 2012

September Cards


  When September came we suddenly were out everyday and doing something every day! I love it but I also make sure that we aren't out all day so that it's not too stressful on anyone. 
   We started out camping!  We would love to go more often and hope to in the future but the Labor Day weekend has done for us so far.
   J started school, Kindergarten. I was nervous about homeschooling but it has gone so well that I feel like we have always been doing it. Even when J says he doesn't want to he still does it maybe with a little bit of crying at times.
   O started at the ASYMCA, the same program J went to. She loves it and is doing great. Her class is all girls and half of them have been in class with older siblings before so they know mostly what's going on all ready.
   E is just growing and being such a sweet little one. A few month months and she'll be two already!
   As for us parents, work and parenting. Not too much new but doing good. I do ask for prayers for my mom's dad. He was living in a retirement home but had to be moved to a facility that could help him more with his medical needs. He is okay with this and is in high spirits and positive. But his health isn't what is used to be, but what can you expect when you've turning 88 next month!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Slow August

First, for some reason I can't load pictures, I'll try again later.

August was a slow month for us.  I did get J into his first swimming lessons.  He was first in the level 1 class but wasn't quite up to the level as the other kids so he moved to the Pre-3 class.  He didn't do so well there either but most it was just that he hasn't much experience in the pool.  We are hoping that next year he can take lessons for most of the summer as well as O.  The weekend after lessons ended he finally put his face in the water and even jumped into the pool by himself. LOL oh well.

For most of the rest of August we just hug around the house, too hot to do anything else (100+ most days).  I did try and get them out when it wasn't too bad in the mornings, we're waiting for October when we can start back to our afternoon playground trips.

One reason I really didn't want to do anything is because I am expecting baby #4 in the beginning of next year.  The first few weeks were no fun and I could hardly get off the couch.  Doing much better now but still not feeling really great in the evenings.

I did manage to make a couple of cards in August, not too many and since I can't get pictures to load I'll have to wait to post those as well.

Well, that was our August.  Here's to the first school year for J and for O in the ASYMCA program!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Found Some July Cards to Share!

Late for July

A bit late for a July update but to be honest not much went on in July that I just forgot until now.  We did have a summer program at the ASYMCA for J and O which they enjoyed and was a nice break from the summer heat. 

Short, short, very short but that's about it!  Even my cards are a little lacking for sharing since I was so far a head in June that July there isn't much to share!

Stay cool friends!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Two Months of Cards

I went on a little spree with my card making this month.  These are just a few of the more fun ones.

Happy Canada Day (July 1) and Happy 4th of July!


June started out slow.  With ASYMCA class done there wasn't too much going on.  We did go to the splash park and met some homeschool families.  We also had a nice visit to end June with Grandpa H who drove four days to see us.  We hiked Joshua Tree National Park, went to Pioneertown and E re-enlisted.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Full May

We had a dental visit, ASYMCA grad, 5th birthday and even a campout all in the later half of May!  June isn't looking so busy but you never know.