Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

O's body rash is gone, it was either new unwashed clothes or baby oil, her bum rash I think was from teething. Here are a few Christmas pictures...

So this isn't a Christmas picture, but look she standing!

This is J's reacting to seeing the slide outside for the first time.
We have an appointment to check on the pea on Wed. but after a cold with runny nose and sneezing I think it's has to be, right? I think that's all for now. Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and are planning a fun and safe New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Olivia in that dress is so precious I can hardly stand it. John is cracking me up as usual. :) I love that video - SO cute. I'm glad to hear the pea departed. Thanks for sharing the cute pics.
