Monday, March 29, 2010

Enjoying the Weather

One of the locals. It took some convincing of J that it wasn't a monkey...we settled on mouse.
O found the only patch of grass in our yard and proceeded to sit and eat it.
March 25 J's Armed Services YMCA class and others had an egg hunt. Yes, that is real grass!
Here he's showing his teacher his basket of eggs.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fun Days

This last picture is of the kids at the Armed Services YMCA St. Patric's Day Potluck.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Birthday and A Graduation

We had O's 1st birthday party on Saturday with a couple of families from the church we're been attending and a family from MN. Well the Marines were recruiting together in MN and now they are stationed here and just arrived this last week. It was great to see a familiar face again and J and E (their little girl) had a great time playing. I feel like I've missed O's first year, with so much going on this year it just flew by.

Funny story: this morning I woke up to O playing so I went into their room to take her out so she wouldn't wake J up. Well when I went to pick her up I found a diaper in the crib with her. I picked it up and her and discovered that she didn't have a diaper on! Her pj's were all done up and everything was in its place. I have no idea how she got it off and out of her pjs.

Hubby E graduated from the first half of his course today and is moving "up the hill" for the second half. He should be graduating in August sometime and off we are again to who knows where.

Anyone have advise about the Census? We are officially residence in GA but the form we got is for CA, so it would go toward the CA information and not GA...what to do?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Look! No Hands!

Yes, O is walking, just shy of her first birthday. J was a little slower when he started, a few months after his first birthday. But O has done most things a little faster, I guess she had a head start being a toddler at birth (as my sister has said).

I have also enrolled J into a Tiny Tots program at the Armed Services YMCA on base. It's every morning from Mon-Thurs. They have a structured class with a teacher. They learn their colors, numbers and alphabet. They have a play time and a craft time too. The only down fall is that we won't be able to go to the library any longer. The times don't run over each other but O just can't last for both. But she enjoys the interaction with the older children so I think it'll be good for both of them.

J seems be enjoying it so far. He's a little shy when called apon for things but is willing to say what he asked to say. The other children answer the questions they are asked (what color is this? blue...) J needs to copy still, but I hope this class will move his speach along more. Of course his favorite thing is the play time. We've only gone a few times and he already asks when ever we are in the car, "Toys?" Silly boy.

Something new...

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids.
O is very much into climbing, she'll climb anything to get anywhere!You have to understand, grass isn't something we see everyday, especially in our yard!