Monday, April 5, 2010

Visiting and Shaking.

My parents came for a visit this past Easter weekend. J has adopted "mama and papa" for Grandma and Grandpa, very cute. While they were down we did some shopping, golfing, shooting, and just hanging out. It was a wonderful visit that wasn't filled with too much and yet enough that we had a great time.

J colored some eggs on Sunday (with Mommy's help) and I think he really enjoyed it too.
On the 3rd we went down to the Palm Springs and went up the two mile long Aerial Tramway. If you are scared of heights in the least this is NOT for you! What a view! This picture is from the bottom station looking up the cable line.
Grandpa and Grandma playing with the grand kids.

Sunday afternoon E grilled some hamburgers for lunch and we were able to sit out side and enjoy them. It's gotten so windy in the last few days though you would blow away!

J loves bubbles, it is the greatest thing right now to him.
On Easter Sunday after church and lunch while the kids napped we were sitting around enjoying a quiet afternoon when I thought I was having a dizzy spell. When it didn't pass right a way I looked over at my Mom and ask her if she felt it too. She did! EARTHQUAKE! My first! It was centered in Mexico, a 7.2. We didn't feel it too much but it shook the house for a few seconds. The lights were swaying and the rocking chair was rocking. Very strange feeling indeed! It was sort of like standing on a suspension bridge when someone was shaking it back and forth, it really made me dizzy. My Dad thought at first the dishwasher was banging the wall behind him, the dishwasher is on a totally different wall! If I had to experience it, I'm glad it was as small as it was and I don't want to experience it again thank you very much, we can move now...

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