Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some Updates

First off, O has completely stopped nursing all on her own. We had a doctors appointment today to check her weight and it was good but the doctor didn't like her not getting breast milk or formula so now I have to get her to take formula until she turns one then whole milk will be okay.

Our heat went out last night. Now this may sound funny come from CA but it got to 37 (3C) last night and with out heat it was cold! We have extra blankets and a small space heater both of which helped a lot. The fix it guy is supposed to come by today but it's late afternoon already so it may be another cold night.

The front gate to the base is closing for some work at the end of month for 45 days! That just leaves two small side gates for everyone to use, it's going to be nuts and horrible for E when he has to get on and off base for class.

I think I'm forgetting something but for now that's all that comes to mind. More later!

Daddy Joy

Saturday, January 16, 2010

About Me

Today I got a long needed hair cut and so by popular demand here is a picture of me taken this afternoon. New hair and three months of Weight Watchers. Okay so it's not all about me, here are a few pictures of the family too.

One side note to add. A friend in MN invited us to story time at the library. I found that the library here on base has the same thing. So to help socialize J and O I've been taking them to base on Tuesday for story time. They even do a free craft too. J doesn't really help much but they love to go and play with the other kids. Since O hasn't been around too many other people this is great for her especially. So thanks CB!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How to traumatize a two year old...

To impress a two year old put up a Christmas Tree while he is sleeping. To traumatize said child, take down the Tree while he is sleeping. Poor J woke up yesterday afternoon, ran into the living room and there was no tree. It took about five minutes of mommy love and assurance that it was okay that the tree was gone and that it will be back for Christmas next year (where ever that might be). To further traumatize said child try saying good bye to pee as it is flushed down the toilet. J was saying goodbye (don't ask, it's just something he does, I figure if it helps him learn then I'm okay with it) and just as the toilet finished flushing his soother (pacifier for those of you not Canadian) dropped from his mouth into the toilet and down it went! Mommy caught him just before he dove in after it screaming. This resulted in moving his car seat to the truck (his favorite vehicle) and a twenty minute drive to the only drug store that carries his favorite kind of soother, having to find the same one in the right size and driving all the way back again. It has not left his mouth since this morning...this is only being allowed so that he'll be willing to go potty later on today. The soother will be left on the counter while he is on the potty.

On a different note I am happy to report that after three months on Weight Watcher's I've lost just shy of 30 lbs! I keep getting a note on my account that I'm losing, at times, too fast. It's my opinion that if that is the case then they should give me more daily points because that's what I'm following.

And on one final note, a bit of a rant, if you are driving down a two lane highway please stay in the right lane unless you are passing. It is very annoying when people just drive in the left lane and back up traffic...MOVE OVER! Okay, I'm done. LOL :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Only a Two Year Old

Only a two year old could ever get away with this. J loves the show Backyardigans and one episode he really is about pirates. Well we were in Walmart the other day and an older gentleman was near by looking at the cameras. He turns around and J starts saying "pirate, Daddy pirate..." the gentleman had an eye patch on one eye and J right away thought of pirates. Being two he wouldn't know better and it was really cute, I'm just glad the man didn't hear him.