Saturday, January 16, 2010

About Me

Today I got a long needed hair cut and so by popular demand here is a picture of me taken this afternoon. New hair and three months of Weight Watchers. Okay so it's not all about me, here are a few pictures of the family too.

One side note to add. A friend in MN invited us to story time at the library. I found that the library here on base has the same thing. So to help socialize J and O I've been taking them to base on Tuesday for story time. They even do a free craft too. J doesn't really help much but they love to go and play with the other kids. Since O hasn't been around too many other people this is great for her especially. So thanks CB!


  1. Yay storytime!!! It starts up again at our library this week so we are looking forward to going to it. Wish you could come with us. =) I am also craving nice weather and woke up the other day with the thought of calling you to meet at Red Sign Park...sigh.

    You look great - keep it up!

    Hugs and hi's to J & O from us all...

  2. You are looking great! Way to go, keep up the hard work.
