Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some Updates

First off, O has completely stopped nursing all on her own. We had a doctors appointment today to check her weight and it was good but the doctor didn't like her not getting breast milk or formula so now I have to get her to take formula until she turns one then whole milk will be okay.

Our heat went out last night. Now this may sound funny come from CA but it got to 37 (3C) last night and with out heat it was cold! We have extra blankets and a small space heater both of which helped a lot. The fix it guy is supposed to come by today but it's late afternoon already so it may be another cold night.

The front gate to the base is closing for some work at the end of month for 45 days! That just leaves two small side gates for everyone to use, it's going to be nuts and horrible for E when he has to get on and off base for class.

I think I'm forgetting something but for now that's all that comes to mind. More later!

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